Pieejas ierobežojums! Access restrictions!

Pieejas ierobežojums!
Šo “Meža biotopu instrumentu” atļauts lietot tikai un vienīgi sekojošam fiziskām\juridiskam personām:

  1. koksnes granulu ražotājem, kuriem ir noslēgts “Meža biotopu instrumenta” līgums ar Latvijas biomasas asociāciju LATbio.
  2. kuras pašas nav koksnes granulu ražotājas, bet kuras veic izejmateriāla (sķelda, skaidas, mizas, apaļkoksne, atgriezumi) piegādes tām personām, kurām ir noslēgts “Meža biotopu instrumenta” līgums ar Latvijas biomasas asociāciju LATbio.

Personām, kuras neatbilst augstākminētajiem kritērijiem jebkura šī “Meža biotopu instrumentu” lietošana nav atļauta un ir nelegāla.

Ar šo apstiprinu, ka atbilstu augstākminētajiem kritērijiem.

Neatbilstu augstākminētajam aprakstam.


Access restrictions!
This “Woodland key habitat instrument” is authorized for usage just and only for following persons\entities\companies:

  1. wood pellet producers which have signed “Woodland key habitat instrument” contract with Latvian biomass association LATbio;
  2. which are not wood pellet producers, but which are supplying raw material (chips, sawdust, bark, roundwood, offcuts) to wood pellet producers which have signed “Woodland key habitat instrument” contract with Latvian biomass association LATbio.

Any usage of the “Woodland key habitat instrument” by persons not complying with upper mentioned criteria is not allowed and is illegal.

Hereby I do confirm my compliance with upper mentioned criteria.

I do not comply with upper mentioned criteria.