EPC – new board elected


On Monday, February 22nd, in Verona, Italy during the biomass days (Progetto Fuoco), the European Pellet Council (EPC) held its first Board of Directors’ elections. As a result Eric Vial, Director of Propellet France, was appointed as EPC’s new President, but in Vice-president’s position was elected Didzis Palejs – Chairman of LATbio’s Board and Vice-President of AEBIOM. The EPC new Board was completed with three special Directors: Christian Rakos from ProPellets Austria, Annalisa Paniz from AIEL and Gordon Murray from WPAC. Full press release can be found HERE.

EPC – ievēlēta jauna valde


Pirmdien, 22. februārī Itālijā, biomasas dienu ietvaros (Progetto Fuoco) Eiropas Granulu Padomes sēdē tika ievēlēta tās pirmā valde. Par EPC jauno prezidentu tika ievēlēts Propellet France direktors Ēriks Vials, bet par viceprezidentu – LATbio valdes priekšsēdētājs Didzis Palejs. Valdē tika ievēlēti arī trīs īpaši valdes locekļi: Kristians Rakos no ProPellets Austria, Annalisa Paniz no AIEL un Gordons Murejs no WPAC. Pilnu AEBIOM preses relīzi var aplūkot ŠEIT.