LATbio | Jaunumi / Aktualitātes
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Latvia – a new pellet powerhouse

In October 2015 during meeting of the European Pellet Council, which was held in Latvia, several participants visited pellet plant owned by SBE Latvia Ltd. and two wood pellet storage and loading facilities at the Port of Riga and the Port of Mērsrags. Executive Director of Wood Pellet Association of Canada Gordon Murray was one of them and later his impressions about Latvian wood pellet industry were published on the Wood Pellet Association of Canada web site, where he named Latvia as the "new pellet powerhouse". To read the full article, please, press here...

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AEBIOM new vice-president – Didzis Palejs

In occasion of AEBIOM’s latest General Assembly, held on 7th of December 2015, the Steering Committee confirmed Gustav Melin (SVEBIO, Sweden) as AEBIOM President for one further term and elected Didzis Palejs (LATbio, Latvia) as its new Vice-President. More info...

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AEBIOM vēlēšanās par viceprezidentu ievēlēts LATbio priekšsēdētājs

Eiropas Biomasas asociācijas (AEBIOM) pēdējās ģenerālās asamblejas laikā, kas norisinājās 2015. gada 7. decembrī, asociācijas valde apstiprināja tās līdzšinējo prezidentu Gustavu Melinu (SVEBIO) uz vēl vienu prezidentūras termiņu, kā arī ievēlēja LATbio valdes priekšsēdētāju Didzi Paleju par AEBIOM viceprezidentu. Lasīt vairāk...

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Mums ir prieks aicināt Jūs uz Ziemeļvalstu Baltijas Bioenerģijas konference 14-16 aprīlis 2015.gada 14.-16.aprīlī. - Šī gada lielākā bioenerģētikas nozares reģionālā konference! Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas valstu reģionā ir vislielākais īpatsvars, kā arī ātrākais atjaunojamās enerģijas avotu pieaugumu ES. Dabiskie apstākļi bioenerģijai ir ļoti labvēlīgi visās Skandināvijas un Baltijas valstīs, ar labām lauksaimniecības zemēm un produktīviem mežiem. Baltijas valstīs atkarība no importētā fosilā kurināmā ir ekonomiska un politiska problēma. Tajā pašā laikā vietējie biomasas resursi ir bagātīgi. Tāpēc, bioenerģija piedāvā iespēju samazinātu atkarību no importa, samazināt izmaksas, un veicināt uzņēmējdarbības attīstību un nodarbinātību vietējā ekonomikā. Ir pieejami dažādi tehniskie risinājumi. Ziemeļvalstu Baltijas Bioenerģijas konferencē...

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Fearless Business

Set up your blog list in Onyx by simply choosing one of the available blog list templates for your blog page. Combine Standard, Masonry, and Highlighted Latest Post blog lists with a sidebar which you can populate with categories, tags, recent posts or other available widgets. Create your single posts and choose a post type, so your quotes, links, audio, video, gallery and standard posts are instantly recognizable on your blog list. Enable social sharing and make sure anyone can easily share your blog posts on social networks. Explore the available blog list and blog single templates and layouts in...

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Market Analysis

Set up your blog list in Onyx by simply choosing one of the available blog list templates for your blog page. Combine Standard, Masonry, and Highlighted Latest Post blog lists with a sidebar which you can populate with categories, tags, recent posts or other available widgets. Create your single posts and choose a post type, so your quotes, links, audio, video, gallery and standard posts are instantly recognizable on your blog list. Enable social sharing and make sure anyone can easily share your blog posts on social networks. Explore the available blog list and blog single templates and layouts in...

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Stock of the Day

Set up your blog list in Onyx by simply choosing one of the available blog list templates for your blog page. Combine Standard, Masonry, and Highlighted Latest Post blog lists with a sidebar which you can populate with categories, tags, recent posts or other available widgets. Create your single posts and choose a post type, so your quotes, links, audio, video, gallery and standard posts are instantly recognizable on your blog list. Enable social sharing and make sure anyone can easily share your blog posts on social networks. Explore the available blog list and blog single templates and layouts in...

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Wise Investments

Set up your blog list in Onyx by simply choosing one of the available blog list templates for your blog page. Combine Standard, Masonry, and Highlighted Latest Post blog lists with a sidebar which you can populate with categories, tags, recent posts or other available widgets. Create your single posts and choose a post type, so your quotes, links, audio, video, gallery and standard posts are instantly recognizable on your blog list. Enable social sharing and make sure anyone can easily share your blog posts on social networks. Explore the available blog list and blog single templates and layouts in...

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Sure Returns

Set up your blog list in Onyx by simply choosing one of the available blog list templates for your blog page. Combine Standard, Masonry, and Highlighted Latest Post blog lists with a sidebar which you can populate with categories, tags, recent posts or other available widgets. Create your single posts and choose a post type, so your quotes, links, audio, video, gallery and standard posts are instantly recognizable on your blog list. Enable social sharing and make sure anyone can easily share your blog posts on social networks. Explore the available blog list and blog single templates and layouts in...

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Safe Choice

Set up your blog list in Onyx by simply choosing one of the available blog list templates for your blog page. Combine Standard, Masonry, and Highlighted Latest Post blog lists with a sidebar which you can populate with categories, tags, recent posts or other available widgets. Create your single posts and choose a post type, so your quotes, links, audio, video, gallery and standard posts are instantly recognizable on your blog list. Enable social sharing and make sure anyone can easily share your blog posts on social networks. Explore the available blog list and blog single templates and layouts in...

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